1The importance of the rcp
the RCP's mission incorporates 3 pillars Refine, Redesign and Redesign health.The Root Cause Protocol (RCP) is a holistic program that supports you to rebalance and restore essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals needed for your body and mind to function as Mother Nature intended.2How to start the RCP?
Root Cause Protocol recommends an ancestral diet, which we suggest should focus on nutrient-dense real foods which are high in antioxidants and low in toxinsproductos
Rice Bran
Adrinal Cocktail
Cod Liver Oils
Beef Liver
Julissa Rose
the rcp has made me feel more energetic and full of life, love that i started this
heathy life style
Abby Jay
i feel more fresh, and young, taking care of what i eat, and evoiding food that
are bad for my heath is showing by body that i care and love it!
how to start
- STOP Taking Iron Supplements
- STOP Taking Vitamin D3 Supplements
- STOP Taking Calcium Supplements
- STOP Taking Zinc Supplements
- STOP Taking Molybdenum Supplements
- STOP Taking “Drugstore” Once-A-Day Multivitamins, Prenatals, etc.
- STOP Using Synthetic forms of Ascorbic Acid, Citrate, & Citric Ac
- STOP Using High Fructose Corn Syrup & Synthetic Sugar
- STOP Using Industrialized Omega-6 Oils
- STOP Using Fluoride
- STOP using colloidal silver as an antibiotic
- STOP eating low-fat, high-carb, processed, refined foods
- START Taking adrenal cocktails
- START Taking mineral drops or applying transdermal magnesium
- START Taking wholefood vitamin C complex
- START Taking magnesium
- START Eating grass-fed organic beef liver